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29/11/2021 17:38:50

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake

Mik cho xu
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.
1. Tam is my cousins. She watches TV every night. 1b. Jane has a lovely voice, and she's a good singer, either.
2. You need to avoid high fatty and greasy foods.
3. Tien's dad cooks very good. He loves preparing meals for our family.
4. She runs six miles every day to help keep herself on shape.
5. Sitting in front of the screen too much aren't good for your eyes.
6. Would you like going out? - No, thanks. I'd rather stay at home.
7. Let's help the street children so they have bad living conditions.
8. There are many reasons how it is important to have a hobby.
9. If you want to live longer, eat less fruits and vegetables.
10. Why don't we collect and give out warm clothes to homeless children in our city.
2b. I think collecting stamps are interesting.
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