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30/11/2021 15:51:34

Điền đại từ quan hệ phù hợp

EX2: Điền đại từ quan hệ phù hợp. Điền X vào những vị trí không cần đại từ quan hệ.
1.      I haven't seen Frank, ………………….. brother is five, for a long time now.

2.      The robber stole the car ………………….. the lady parked in front of the supermarket.

3.      This is the man ………………….. house is on fire.

4.      Can I talk to the girl ………………….. is sitting on the bench?

5.      The book ………………….. you gave me is great.

6.      She likes hamburgers ………………….. are hot.

7.      Bill Clinton, ………………….. was President of the USA, has only one daughter.

8.      This is the station ………………….. Emily met James.

9.      July and August are the months ………………….. most people go on holiday.

10.  Do you know the reason ………………….. so many people in the world learn English?

11.  This is the church ………………….. Sue and Peter got married.

12.  Edinburgh is the town ………………….. Alexander Graham Bell was born.

13.  25 December is the day ………………….. children in Great Britain get their Christmas presents.

14.  A famine was the reason ………………so many Irish people emigrated to the USA in the 19th century.

15.  A greengrocer's is a shop ………………….. you can buy vegetables.

16.  The day ………………….. I arrived was very nice.

17.  A horror film was the reason ………………….. I couldn't sleep last night.

18.  Dallas is the city ………………….. Kennedy was shot.

19.  Bill Clinton was the president ………………….. wife was called Hillary.

20.  Sunday is the day ………………….. most countries respect a day of rest in the week.

21.  Rotterdam is the port ………………….. is the busiest in Europe.

22.  Yasser Arafat is the person ………………….. is the Palestinian leader.

23.  Robinson Crusoe is the fictional character ………………….. companion was Man Friday.

24.  Smog is the thing ………………….. is a combination of fog and smoke, or pollution.

25.  Rum is the strong drink ………………….. is associated with the Caribbean.

26.  The Euro is the currency ………………….. is used in most of Europe.

27.  Napoleon is the man ………………….. wife was called Josephine.

28.  A metallurgist is a person ………………….. studies metals.

29.  Hiroshima is the place ………………….. the first atomic bomb was dropped.

30.  1914 is the year ………………….. the First World War started.

31.  Your mother-in-law is the person ………………….. son or daughter is married to you.

32.  A stapler is a thing ………………….. you use to attach papers together.

33.  Her mother, ………………….. you never met, is interested in detective novels.

34.  Roses, for ………………….. all women have a liking, smell very nice.

35.  Hasan is the person ………………….. the manager wants to see.
36. Hemmingway, ………………….. novels are still very popular, led a painful life.
37. One should quit smoking, ………………….. is very harmful to health.
38. A student ………………….. doesn't study hard enough cannot be successful.
39. They have three sons, all of ………………….. are living abroad.
40. We are living next to a woman ………………….. dog barks all the time.
41. This is mount Ararat, on the peak of ………………….., there always is snow.
42. We have never met again, ………………….. is a pity.
43. Confusing topics ………………….. are well-expressed can be understood.
44. The car, ………………….. was designed by a foreign company, won the race.
45. Shakespeare, most of ………………….. plays were adapted to cinema, is still read by many.
46. All the students (wish) ………….. to organize a picnic were discouraged when they saw the dark clouds.
47. The questions (ask) ………………….. in the exam were specially chosen.

48.  It was Wilson ………………….. gave me the old map and he had found it in a old junk shop.

49.  My uncle apologised for his insult, ………………….. we accepted gracefully.

50. Hank put the keys down on the table ………………….. was in the kitchen.

51. Much ………………….. your father left in his will is going to your mother.

52. Unfortunately, the car hit the dog ………………….. I love so much and it was killed.

53. That car, ………………….. owner was arrested by the police, has been parked there ever since.

54. There are several reasons for the closure of the school, most of ………….. have already been explained fully.

55. This was the room ………………….. we first met and spoke. Do you remember?

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