Uchiha Ngọt | Chat Online
30/11/2021 21:58:02

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh lớp 7

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I1. Pho is always served
fresh herbs, bean sprouts, sliced-up
chili, and lime.
a. for
e. in
d. on
b. with
12. This cake is made,
b. of
13. You don't need to take
b. some
fresh butter and eggs.
e by
d. from
a in
food on the trip.
e. any
d. the
a a
14. We need a
of bread to make the sandwiches for everyone.
b. bar
15. There was some ham
b. leaving
16. My lemonade is a bit
c. loaf
d. tube
a. carton
from lunch.
a leave
e. to leave
d. left
Can you give me some sugar, please?
b. sweet
e. spicy
d. salty
a. sour
17. Would you like
milk in your coffee?
a. any
b. some
c. a
d. a few
18. How
cheese do we need to make a cheese cake? - About 250 grams.
b. many
a few
c. much
d. little
19. Flour is the main
in cakes.
b. dish
e. formulary
d. ingredient
a recipe
Huan: Pho, bun cha, bun bo, banh mi, com tam, etc.
a What Vietnamese food should I try?
b.What's your favourite drink?
e How do you cook Vietnamese food?
d.How much food do you like?
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