Do Ngoc Lien | Chat Online
04/12/2021 13:18:32

Chia dạng đúng của độn từ trong ngoặc

6.We collect_______________________paper.(use)

7.He started_________________________working in this company.(office)

8.There are many ________________________helping the poor.(organize)

9.These ______________________have to wear uniform.(participate)

10.Let’s save __________________________resources. (nature)

11.She is always _______________of her schooling. (pride)

      12.Many language _______________try to learn words by heart. (learn)

      13._______________is necessary in learning new words. (revise)

      14.Her _______________helps us feel happy. (participate)

     15.Students are taught to have good _______________towards everybody. (behave)

16.My grandmother can read _______________ without glasses. (good)

17.Tim must _______________harder next semester. (student)

18.Students need to remember _______________words. (importance)

19.I need to_______________my English speaking skill. (improvement)

20. I can do all of these exercises _______________(easy)

21.There are many________________________people in the world.(handicap)

22.What are your______________________?(interest)

23.She started her __________________________career while still at school.(act)

24.He needs his father’s__________________________(assist)

25.The Union builds personal________________________________(fit)

26.We collect_______________________paper.(use)

27.He started_________________________working in this company.(office)

28.There are many ________________________helping the poor.(organize)

29.These ______________________have to wear uniform.(participate)

30.Let’s save __________________________resources. (nature
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