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08/12/2021 15:32:16

Combine each pair of sentences using the conjunction in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 2. Combine each pair of sentences using the conjunction in brackets.
1. The world is getting warmer. Polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct. (becadse)
2. There weren't enough students. They closed the village school. (as)
3. I really enjoyed the concert. The music was too loud. (although)
4. He got a creampie smashed in his face. Everyone laughed. (when)
5. Paul was walking to the bus stop. He found somebody's wallet on the ground. (while)
6. Jackie will take out the trash. She is done with her chores. (after)
7. You study for the test. You will do much better. (if)
8. Rex practiced his guitar. He could play the song perfectly. (until)
9. We could get back to shore. It started to rain hard. (before)
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