nguyễn minh | Chat Online
08/12/2021 18:53:26

Choose the best answers

II. Choose the best answers:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
11. This restaurant has the.........for serving some of European food. .(repute/ reputation/
12. Please phone this number for more.. .inform/information/informatively/
13.I want to ......
14.he is an
15. She said to me that she .....
16. The teacher asked her why she....the test. (didn't do/hasn't do/ doesn't do/won't do).
17. If you ...........him, tell him to write to me. (seel saw/will see/ would see)
18. If he
19. he asked me where I
20. If I have much money, I
for selling my house (advertise/ advertisement/ advertiser/ advertising)
...ofthis newspaper office. (editant/editist/editer/ editor)
.that car the following day. (sells/ sold/will sell/ would sell) time, he will go swimming. (has/ had/will have/ is having)
.the previous day.(will go/ go/ went/would go)
a new car. (buy/bought/will buy/would buy)
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