qa | Chat Online
09/12/2021 09:32:03

Use the correct comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
(2) Use the correct comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets. Use more/less or the
most / the least where necessary.
1. The person who does
in the interview won't get the job. (bad)
2. The physics test was much
than the maths test. I couldn't do it! (difficult)
3. He's
man I know. He always avoids spending money! (generous)
4. I know he's
(good) player, but I don't think he'll win the competition.
5. She was chosen for the job because she did the interview.
6. I voted for Mu'taz because he was
(passionate) of all the candidates.
7. Do I need to speak
(loud), or is my voice loud enough?
8. He's
(generous) than all the other students in my class.
9. She's a bit rude. She should speak
(respectful) to the other students than she does.
10. She always tells lies. She's
(honest) person I know.
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