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09/12/2021 20:26:55

Read the passage carefully and decide if the following sentences are True or False

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
27. A. university
28. A. are
B. elementary
C. secondary
C. is
D. primary
D. was
B. were
(29-32) Read the passage carefully and decide if the following
sentences are True or False: (1pt)
Why did English become the international language? In the middle of the 19th
century, French was the international language. Then Britain became very
powerful in the world. England started colonies in North America and India in
the 17th century. By 1900 England also had colonies in other parts of Asia, Africa
and the South Pacific. The people in the colonies had to use English. Slowly it
became more important than French internationally. After the Second World
War, the United States became very powerful, and even more people began to
learn English.
29. English was the international language in the middle
of the 19th century.
30. English slowly became more important than French.
31. More and more people began to learn English.
32. Some parts of Asia and Africa spoke English by 1900.
(33-36) Rewrite cach of the sentences so that the meaning stays the
same: (2pts)
33. Study hard or you will fail in the entrance exam.
34.I can't go to Vung Tau Beach this weekend.
I wish
35. Mother said, "Lan, you must finish your homework before 5'o'clock."
Mother said that
36. He said, "The earth revolves around the sun."
He said that
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