Nguyễn | Chat Online
11/12/2021 15:46:28

Fill each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Fill each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. My little brother is very . . about going to kindergarten. (enthusiast)
2. The factory is the largest single . in the area. (employ) empoyer
using this technique are trained to ask questions precisely. (interview)
4. High-school teachers must be . to teach a particular subject. (qualify)
5. It was his..
6. It is your . to provide us with concrete evidence. (responsible)
7. As the . . of multimedia technology has grown, teachers have used
more teaching aids. (available)
. help that caused the accident. (experience)
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