Nguyễn Nhật Minh | Chat Online
17/12/2021 11:22:32

Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or past simple

VII. Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or past simple
7. A: W hat (you/ do) this time yesterday?
B: We_____(drive) to London, but on the way we______(hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we_____(drive) back home straight away.
8. I _____(meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They (go) to Berlin and I _____(go) to Madrid. We (have) a chat while we_____(wait) for our flights.
9. I ______ (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man_____(step) out into the road in front of me. I _____(go) quite fast but luckily I (manage) to stop in time and_____(not hit) him.
10. Flight 2001 _____(fly) from London to New York when it suddenly (encounter) turbulence and_____(drop) 15,000 feet. The plane (carry) over 300 passengers and a crew of 17.
11. While divers (work) off the coast of Florida, they (discover) a 100-year-old shipwreck. The shipwreck_____(contain) gold bars worth $2
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