Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
17/12/2021 15:23:37

Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences

Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences.

9. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken…………almost every year and has grown in size.

A.note             B. notice         C. place                       D. time

10. You can …………spring rolls with some vegetables.

A.    serve                      B. stir              C. beat             D. pour

11.Minh…………100 postcards so far. He intends to sell them to raise funds.

A. make                      B. makes                     C. made          D. has made

12. I don’t want to sty at home. I want to watch that show……….

            A. to person                            B. at person                 C. in person                       D. by person

13.I think the price of this painting is……….the price of  that one.

      A. more than                                             B. the same as                   C. the same                                                    D. as well as

14. You can see many interesting portraits in that………..

      A. art gallery                                             B. community                   C. instrument       D. puppet

15. Would you like to add a……….of sugar for coffee

A. glass                       B. bottle          C. teaspoon                 D. can

16. You will be healthier if you eat …………fruits and vegetables.

A. more                       B. little                        C. less             D. fewer

17. Did you buy ……..bottle of cooking oil yesterday?

A. a lot                                    B. many                      C. a                  D. some

18. I find ________useful for my health.

A. swim           B. swimming              C. swimmer                D. swam

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