Nhi Nguyễn | Chat Online
17/12/2021 17:13:35

Find a mistake in each of the following

Find a mistake in each of the following ZERO CONDITIONALS
I stay in bed if I was ill. ______am_______
If you not pay on time, you have to pay a fine. _______________
If you never showered, you are sweaty and smelly. _______________
If you park your car on double yellow lines, your car would be pulled away. _______________
If you weren’t at home, you can collect your parcel at the post-office. _______________ 
If you will delete an email, it stays in your trash for 30 days. _______________
Normally, you would be charged late fees, if you return your car late. _______________
Please, read what happens if you cancelled your booking. ______________
I don’t have any breakfast if I overslept. _______________
Find out what you can do if you will travel without a ticket. _______________
I always take my umbrella if it rained. _______________
Mình cần rất gấp ạ! camon!<3
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