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18/12/2021 17:32:21

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
The Statue of Liberty was a gift of (..1..) from the people of France to the US and is recognized as a universal
symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty (..2.) on October 28th 1886 and it was designated
as a National Monument in 1924. Many people (...3...) care of the statue since 1933. It was a joint effort between
France and the US and was intended to commemorate the lasting friendship between the peoples of the two
nations. The Statue of Liberty (...4...) to the US and erected on top of a pedestal (...5...) a small island in Upper
New York Bay. This pedestal was constructed inside the courtyard of Fort Wood, a fortress built for the War of
1812. Over the years, the (...6...) stood tall as millions of immigrants arrived in America via nearby Ellis Island.
Today the Statue of Liberty remains an enduring (.. 7...) of freedom and democracy, as (...8...) as one of the
world's most recognizable landmarks.
1. A. neighborhood
2. A. dedicated
B. friendship
B. is dedicated
B. have been taken
B. was given
B. at
B. island
B. appearance
B. far
D. difference
D. was dedicated
C. community
C. has dedicated
C. were taken
C. gives
C. on
C. statute
C. layout
C. much
3. A. have taken
D. took
4. A. gave
5. A. in
6. A. fortress
7. A. donation
8. A. well
D. has given
D. for
D. pedestal
D. symbol
D. many
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