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19/12/2021 18:51:35

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

.  Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. Louise is very fond _________ going fishing with his family at weekends

A. about

B. of

C. in

D. with


2. She has decided to ______________yoga because it is very good for her health.

A. take in

B. take up

C. take to

D. take with


3. The typical house of ethnic minorities is the ________ house.

A. steel

B. concrete

C. cottage

D. stilt


4. _______ is the festival celebrated? – Every year.

A. When

B. How often

C. How

D. What

5. In the Central Highlands, the biggest and tallest house in the village is the ________ house. 

A. communication                 B. community                               C. communal                           D. commune

6. In Vietnam, we do not discriminate against any _____ or religious group.



A. tradition

B. minor

C. culture

D. custom

7. I believe you can do _____ in the next test.

A. best

B. better

C. more well

D. weller

8. My mother enjoys_________ traditional food for our family, especially at Tet holiday.

A. prepare                             B. to prepare                               C. preparing                          D. prepared

9. My father sometimes goes _______in the forests. He’d like to find some more food for our family.

A. hunt                                  B. hunting                                    C. to hunt                               D. hunted

10.Yoga helps us learn_____ to co-ordinate breathing and movement.

A. What                                 B. when                                        C. Why                                   D. How

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