Lê Đức Duy | Chat Online
20/12/2021 07:54:55

Your idea is not different from mine. (the same) => Your idea is .....

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D. Ouuu iecun aiso nelp us look nice
C. The dentist can fill the small holes in our teeth.
D.We should eat food that is good for our teeth.
1. Your idea is not different from mine. (the same)
> Your idea is ........
2. work / done / you / ever / Have / volunteer / any ? (Reorder the words)
3. Nam wants to lose weight. He began jogging last Sunday. (Combine the sentences using “so")
4. We love to hang out with friends at weekends.
→We enjoy .. .
5. What should you do to stay healthy? (Answer about 40-60 words)
The end
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