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22/12/2021 06:35:08

Turn into Passive

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Turn into Passive. (1 m)
Did she help them yesterday?
We can't make tea.
People measure temperature with a thermometer.
You must finish your task right now.
Turn into Active. (1 m)
The gate is painted once a year.
Food is sold on the sidewalk.
She was written a long letter.
Rice isn't planted in that country.
Supply the correct word form. (2 ms)
at that school? (instruct)
What is the main language of
He is a famous
because he has many
She is a
jo ssp
The Ao dai is the
Vietnamese women. (tradition)
of this company (design)
He is a
They prefer to wear modern clothing at work because it is more
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