Nguyễn | Chat Online
23/12/2021 08:51:52

Rewrite these sentences to form first; second; third or mixed conditionals

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Rewrite these sentences to form first, second, third
or mixed conditionals.
1. You're unfit because you don't do enough exercise.
If you L\CAen't uunfit, ya wauld hcue do enaugl ecacise
2. I got angry because he was rude to me.
If he
3. I might go to live in Australia but I'll have to find a job first.
If I
4. You only know about this because I told you.
If I
5. I didn't tell her about it because she didn't ask me.
If she
6. You don't know about this program because you don't watch
television a lot.
If you
7. We're not sitting outside because it's raining.
If it
8. We're friends again because he apologized to me.
If he
9. You didn't hear what I said because you weren't listening.
If you
10. I'm feeling ill because I ate too much.
If I
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