lọ lem | Chat Online
23/12/2021 16:04:00

He has Music on Friday. (Make a question for the underlined part)

1. He has Music on Friday. (Make a question for the underlined part)
2. Our school (A) year usually (B) finishes (C) on (D) May. (Find and correct a mistake)
- .....................................................
3. Hoa/ interested/ is/ in/ always/ music/. / (Reorder the words to make the sentence)
4. It’s a quarter past ten. (Make a question for the underlined part)
5. He practices the piano after school. (Put the adverb of frequency “always” in order)
- He......................................................
6. Nam / spend / most / his free time / watch / TV. (Build a sentence using given words)
- Nam........................................................
7. What do you do after school? (Answer the question)
8. What is your address? (Answer the question)
9. is/far/from/How/it/Hue/Ha Noi/ to/?/ (Reorder the words to make the sentence)
10. His idea is quite different .............mine. (Complete the sentence with a preposition)
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