Chính Nek | Chat Online
23/12/2021 17:52:22

My sister cannot bear cleaning the floor all the time. ( detests)

2. My sister cannot bear cleaning the floor all the time. ( detests)

A. My sister detests to clean the floor all the time

B. My sister detests to cleaning the floor all the time

C. My sister detests cleaning the floor all the time.

D. My sister detests to be cleaning the floor all the time.

3. She was old. She climbed up to Yen Tu Mountain. (although)

A. Although she climbed up to Yen Tu Mountain, she was old.

B . She was old although she climbed up to Yen Tu Mountain.

C. She climbs up to Yen Tu Mountain although she was old.

D. Although she was old, she climbed up to Yen Tu Mountain.

4. The last time Marry met Tom was four years ago. ( for)

A. Marry hasn’t met Tom for 4 years.

B. Marry hasn’t met Tom 4 years ago.

C. The last time Marry met Tom was for four years.

D. The last time Marry has met Tom was four years ago.

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