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26/12/2021 08:21:24

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
While a donkey was grazing outside the village, he ..1..) a lion's skin hanging on a branch of a tree as the hunters had
left out (..2..) the sun to dry. The donkey decided to (..3..) it on and went towards his native village. As (..4..) as the donkey
approached the village everyone ran away and (..5.) did other animals. The donkey felt very proud (..6..) he were a real
lion. But then he was so excited about his trick (..7.) he lifted up his voice and (..8..). Soon enough the situation changed.
Now everyone knew him and his owner came up and gave him a sound cudgeling for the terror he had (..9..). Shortly
afterward, a fox came up to him and said: "I knew you by your voice".
Here comes the message for our thought: "fine clothes may disguise, but (..10..) words will disclose a fool".
1. A. has found
2. A. under
3. A. take
4. A. soon
B. finds
C. was finding
D. found
В. in
B. get
B. far
B. either
D. for
D. set
D. well
D. even
C. put
C. much
C. also
C. in case
C. that
C. roared
C. spread
C. unkind
5. A. so
6. A. so that
7. A. since
8. A. brayed
9. A. received
D. even though
D. then
B. as if
B. as
B. howled
B. thrown
B. immodest
D. snorted
D. hidden
D. silly
10. A. unfriendly
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