Phhhh | Chat Online
28/12/2021 20:42:12

_____________ Saturday mornings, I usually practice the guitar from 9.00 to 11.00

1. _____________ Saturday mornings, I usually practice the guitar from 9.00 to 11.00.

A. at                            B. in                            C. of                           D. on

2.  Millions of years ago, changes the _________ of the earth caused animal and plant life to diversify.

A. world                     B. climate                 C. temperature          D. inhabitant

3. Nga and Maryam have ________________ with each other for five years, but this is the first time Nga has met Maryam.

A. written                  B. corresponded       C. seen                       D. separated

4. Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are widely spoken ____________ Malaysia.

A. at                            B. in                            C. of                           D. on

5. Peter failed the test because he didn’t follow his teacher’s _______________.

A. sentences              B. lessons                  C. statements            D. instructions

6. My school band performed very _______________ in the concert last night. People felt so happy.

A. impressively        B. hurriedly               C. difficultly             D. passively

7. “Would you like to go and visit the museum tomorrow?” – “ ________________.”

A. That right                          B. I like to see it      

C. You must want it             D. That would be great

8. “Let me introduce myself, I’m Jane. – “_____________________”

A. Pleased to meet you.       B. It’s my pleasure.

C. I’m very pleased.             D. Nice to see you again.

9. “Hello. You must be Mary.” – “ ______________ ”

A. Yes, please.          B. That’s right, I am.   C. No, I am Mary. D. Yes, here’s Lan.

10. Maryam’s religion is Islam, so she often goes to the ________ to pray every Sunday.

A. mosque                 B. church                   C. pagoda                  D. temple

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