Phạm Vy | Chat Online
02/01/2022 07:09:06

Give the correct form of words in the blankets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. Give the correct form of words in the blankets( 1m).
It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and a tortoise ( 1.sleep)
3. They ( dance).
4. Should you ( wear)
in the sun. He
and saw that an eagle was flying in the sky.
merrily when she (come)
shorts when going to the pagoda ?.
the party yesterday.
B. Do as directed in the parentheses(0,75m)
1.Tipping/not/ custom/ Viet Nam/ so / you/not/have/tip/ if /don't want ( Make sentence with words given )
2. Quan Ho/ Quan Ho/ singing/ of/ of/ Viet Nam's / and/ heritages/ cultural/ in / to/ promote/ the/the/ Lim/
fesstival/ celebrated/ is/ tradition/ is/ one / order ( Make sentence with words given)
3. Vietnamese people have the tradition of going to pagodas on the first day of lunar months.
(Rewrite sentence with the beginning)
=>There is a tradition that Vietnamse people...
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