huyennguyen | Chat Online
02/01/2022 09:18:14

Choose A,B,C or D to fill in the blank in the following email

Choose A,B,C or D to fill in the blank in the following email

Hi Nick,

Great to receive you e-mail \.Because you'll be here soon,I'd like to share with you my family customs and traditions.Well, we have the custom (1).........spending Saturdays together.You may ask why not Sundays.It's spimly because my mum works on Sundays.On saturdays,we alway(2).........out.Sometimes we visit our grandparents in Vung Tau.Sometimes we go on a(3) the park oer nearby beauty spot

You asked me about the Tet holiday, right? There's a(4)........that we make tet cake and cook braised pork and eggs.Tet cake is smiliar to chung cake in Ha Noi,but it's long, not square.Braised pork and eggs in our traditional(5).......for Tet.It's so delicious!When you (6), my mum will cook for it you.

What about your family?Share with me the customs and tradtions you follow



1.A.for B.of D.on

2.A.stay B.put C.find D.go

3.A.trip B.picnic

4.A.tradtion B.customs C.thing D.regulation

5.A.thing B.taste D.jam

6.A.go B.leave C.come D.depart
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