Tku Chang | Chat Online
11/02/2022 20:32:21

Match the food preparation verbs with their definitions

*** L Mateh the food preparation verbs with their definitions.
1. chop
a. rub food against a greater in order to cut it into small pieces
2. drain
b. scatter small pieces of something or the liquid on something
3. pel
4. whisk
c. put something quickly into a liquid and take it out again
d. cut something into thin, flat pieces
e. soak fish, meat, etc. in a mixture of spices and seasonings
before cooking it
5. grate J
6. sprinkle
cai lai
7. slice- I
8. dip
f. cut something into small pieces
g. make fruit or vegetables into a thick, smooth sauce by crushing
9. marinate-0
10. puree
h. remove the water from something
i. mix cream, eggs, etc. into a stiff light mass
j. take off the skin of fruit and vegetables
aplete the sentences with the words in part I.
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