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03/03/2022 16:21:25

Choose the best option to complete each sentence

Exercise 1. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.
Circle A, B or C. 8. “_________ television do you watch a day?” – “About two hours.” A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How often 9. __________ can I buy some milk? At the supermarket. A. which B. where C. What D. how 10. _________ tall are you? A. Which B. Who C. What D. How 11. “A: __________ is that woman?” “B: I think she is a teacher.” A. Which B. Who C. What D. How 12. “A: Whose book is this?” “B: It’s _________.” A. my B. me C. mine D. I 13. Mark ______________ badminton with his friends at the moment. A. plays B. goes C. does D. has 14. My brother is not very ______________. He doesn’t like playing or watching sports. A. sporting B. sporty C. sported D. sport 15. My house is near ______ house, so I usually go there and play games. A. her B. hers C. my D. she 16. There is one bedroom in my house, but there are two in _________. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs 17. She was tired, _______ she went to bed early. A. but B. or C. so D. because 18. They _________ the bus yesterday. A. don’t catch B. weren’t catch C. didn’t catch D. not catch 19. My sister _________ home last night. A. comes B. come C. came D. was come 20. My father _________ tired when I _________ home. A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got 21. What _________ you _________ two days ago? A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do 22. The film wasn’t very good. I_________ it very much. A. ẹnjoyed B. wasn’t enjoy C. didn’t ẹnjoyed D. didn’t enjoy 23. We _________ David in town a few days ago. A. did see B. was saw C. did saw D. saw 24. The window was opened and a bird _________into the room. A. fly B. flew C. was flew D. did fly 25. _________ a nice day! Shall we go swimming? A. How B. When C. What D. Which 26. Breda goes jogging every morning to keep ___________. A. exercise B. trained C. fit D. health 27. _______________ when you leave the room. A. Turn off the lights B. Watch C. Don’t watch D. Don’t turn off the lights 28. _______! I hear you quite well. A. Speak louder B. Don’t shout C. Talk later D. Don’t speak 29. __________ picture do you prefer, this one or that one? A. Which B. Who C. What D. How 30. __________ dances the best in your family? A. Which B. Who C. What D. How
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