Ngọc Nguyễn | Chat Online
15/03/2022 15:57:02

Make questions for the underline parts

Giúp mình với đang cần gấp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Make questions for the underline parts.
1. Minh brushes his teeth twice a day.
2. Simon is in a lot of pain now because he has a toothache.
3. I felt sick after eating that food.
4. Nga went to see the dentist last week.
5. Dr Lai will check your teeth.
6.It took Dr Phong 10 minutes to fill Van's tooth.
7.My brother is going to the hospital.
8.Mr. Cuong did morning exercises at 5.30 yesterday.
9.Hoa received her aunt's letter five days ago.
10.There are twelve students in Lien's class having toothache.
11.My father plays tennis every Friday.
12.Our class has Geography on Monday.
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