Minh Khuê | Chat Online
19/03/2022 10:30:15

Chọn đáp án

giúp mình vớiiii mình đang gấp lắm huhu cảm ơn mn nhìu
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
the accident, he hasn't been himself.
B. If
D. For
9. ..
A. As
C. Since
10. Their office consisted of three rooms,
was used
as a conference room.
A. larger of which
C. the largest of them
B. the largest of which
D. largest
Exercise 12
1. The pepper plant bears a small green berry
as it ripens..
A. which turns
C. it turns
B. turns
D. that turning
it is a faint band of light.
B. as though
D. Despite
anybody survived the accident.
B. which
D: whom
2. The Milky Way looks
A. although
C. though
3. It was a miracle
A. that
C. who
4. We have to drive around the bay
... destroyed in the
A. because the bridge was· B. despite the bridge was
C. because the bridge
5. It was Jack....
A. who
D. the bridge
.. . came late for the mccting.
B. whose
C. he
6. Many scientists have shown
ever-increasing number of tasks.
A. that lascrs how
C. how lasers
7. Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped...
A. Because of it was
C. Though it was
8. For villagers
developed using symbols.
A. who unable
C. unable
D. which
can be used for an
B. lasers how
D. that what lasers
the bad
B. Because of
D. Due to it was
to read, instructions have been
B. they are unable
D. where they are unable
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