Minh Khuê | Chat Online
19/03/2022 16:40:11

Choose the correct answer

giúp em với :<<< em cảm ơn ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 6
1. You were right when you suggested I
in this business deal. I did, I it worked.
A. follow
my intuition
B. followed
D. had followed
C. were to follow
2. I'll be home. by 7.00 PM on the eighteenth.
me, please pick up the mail.
A. Should arrive
C. You should arrive
3. Each of the Ice Ages.
A. is
C. was
B. Should you arrive
D. You should haye arrived
more than a million years
B. are
D. were
the only representation of the
4. On the island
Indians' handicraft.
B. does it remain
A. remains
C. did it remain
D. remain it
5. The production of different kinds of artificial materials
essential to the conservation of our natural resources.
В. were
A. are
С. is
D. have been
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