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22/03/2022 15:18:34

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced đifferently

Étt o éttt 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced đifferently.
B. walk
B. costume
B. great
B. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllabie from the rest.
B. bottle
C. should
C. pasta
C. leader
1. A. talk
2. A. listen
3. A. teacher
D. simple
D. plastic
D. beat
4. A. wildlife
5. A. newspaper
C. protect
C. hospital
D. office
В. recycle
D. charity
1.Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
1. At the concert, you can get food and drink for
You don't have to pay money for it.
D. charity
A. reuse
2. There's
B. free
new girl in our class.
B. the/ The
C. recycle
girl's brother is in Dan's class.
C. a/ A
A. a/ The
3. I like going to the
A. bookstore
4. You can
A. donate T
5. There is a
A. organization
6. What does the poster mean?
D. the/ A
because Ican read and borrow many interesting books there.
C. department store D. school
B. library
old books and computer equipment to charity.
C. reuse
near my school. Homeless people go there for free meals and a place to stay.
C. hospital
B. protect
D. get
B. charity
D. police station
A. Don't pick flowers.
B. You can pick flowers.
C. There aren't any flowers here.
D. You can't plant flowers here.
2.Write the correct forms of the words in the brackets.
1. Students can join one of our
to clean rivers andbeaches all around Vietnam.
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