Iiats Vu | Chat Online
29/03/2022 15:25:00

Choose the best answer to complete sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Section 1:Choose the best answer to complete sentences (1,5pts)
I like going out with my friends.
1. My brother likes watching TV
В. or
C. but
because they make them laugh a lot.
C. comedies
A. and
2. Most children like
A. films
B. love stories
3. Watching too much TV is not good for your health
B. but
it hurts your eyes.
C. and
A. so
4. Which word has different pronunciation?
A. with
5. Disney Channel is one of
A. the exciting B. exciting
6.I have never
channels for children.
C. the most exciting
B. breathe
D. most exciting
to Australia.
C. was
A. be
B. been
Section 2:Give the correct form of the words in parentheses(1pt)
1. She
..in the Da Lat since 2018.(live)
..driver. She never cause accidents.(care)
2. My mother is a..
3. This city isa ..
.for its fashion shops.(fame)
4. Team sports are sometimes called
..sports (compete)
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