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02/04/2022 16:59:49

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you have a headache, try __________________ (take) an aspirin.
2. Can you remember __________________ (see) my keys? I can’t find them.
3. Oh no! I forgot __________________ (send) my mom a birthday card! She’ll be really upset.
4. I would have arrived earlier, but I had to stop ________________ (get) some gas for my car.
5. I try __________________ (do) some exercise every day, but I often can’t find the time.
6. You can forget __________________ (go) out tonight! You haven’t done your homework!
7. Please stop __________________ (talk) for a minute and just listen!
8. He’s been trying __________________ (learn) to drive for years, but keeps failing the test.
9. I’ve stopped __________________ (use) my car so much and walk as much as I can.
10. You must remember __________________ (visit) Aunt Anna when you’re in town.
11. I was really hot, so I tried __________________ (splash) my face with cold water.
12. Remember __________________ (turn off) your phone before you enter.
13. I don’t remember __________________ (meet) her at your wedding at all.
14. She’s not interested in you, so you can forget __________________ (ask) her out.
15. I felt sick so I tried __________________ (drink) some ginger tea.
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