1. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z <!--[endif]-->This CD belongs to me. This CD is______________________ .
2. Give it to him. It’s____________________ .
3. I have my cell phone and you have________________________ .
4. They paid full price, but we bought______________________ on sale.
5. Jim liked his Christmas present, but his sister didn’t like_____________
6. Jenny and Ann have a kitten. This kitten is________________________ .
7. My brother and I like to keep pets. These hamsters are_______________
8. Have you got your pen? Would you like to borrow.
9. Are you sure this ball is____________________ ? - Yes. It’s my ball.
10. Sue prefers her husband’s tennis racket, so she uses__________________ instead of___________ .<!--[if supportFields]><!--[endif]-->