Lê Nam | Chat Online
05/04/2022 15:50:23

Read the situation, then complete each sentence

3 Read the situation, then complete each sentence.
1 A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You are worried about
breaking the window. You say:
If we ...play.basketball in th.classreom.welL. break the window.
2 You want to leave the party now, because you are worried about missing the last
bus. You say:
If we.
3 Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog, so you say:
If you
4 It's raining. You want to stand under a tree, because you are worried about getting
wet. You say:
If we ...
5 You want to take the bus to the city centre. Your friend wants to walk. You are
worried about getting tired. You say:
If we
6 You are walking to school with a friend. You don't want to be late. You suggest
hurrying. You say:
If we don't...
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