Z_i_n | Chat Online
06/04/2022 18:14:59

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence

III.Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1.     Listen! Someone______ at the door.

a.     Are knocking                 b. is knocking                c. knock                d. knocks

2.     ________. I forgot my calculator.

a.     Oh dear                          b. I see                           c. You’ll see                   d. That’s OK

3.     I’m excited _________ our first day at school.

a.     In                                   b. with                           c. about                d. for

4.     Let’s _______ our school uniform and go to school.

a.     Take off                         b. wear on                      c. put off              d. put on

5.     Get up, Tom. We ________ to school, today.

a.     Are going back               b.  going back                c. go to back                  d. are going to back

6.     I meet my friend ______ my way to school

a.     In                                   b. on                              c. at                      d. ___

7.     Do you ______ your things with your classmates?

a.     Share                             b. help                            c. put on               d. wear

8.     My school is _______ by mountains and green fields.

a.     Surrounding                            b. surround                    c. surrounded       d. surrounds

9.     How do you get to school every day? - ___________

a.     By bike                          b. on foot                       c. I walk to school          d. all are correct

10.            I ______ my homework with my friends.

a.Play               b. have                     c. do                     d. all are correct
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