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06/04/2022 19:06:56

Choose the best answer to complete the following sestences

IL Choose the best answer to complete the following sestences
1WI 6nd it
A will sell
2. Trees won't grow
2.M Peter
A. comes
4. f his teeth still
A. hurt
5. If it.
A rains
6. Betty will not go to the party unless John
A. go
7. Miss An does not
D. told.
B. would tell
there is enough water
B. when
Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much
B. do not come
he will have to go to the dentist's again.
B. hurts
they will not go out.
B. rained
C. bad told
D as
C unless
D will come
C. does not come
C to hurt
D will hurt
C. rain
D. raining
D. goes
C. going
to go on the trip if nobody goes with her.
C. wants
to work on weekends if his manager tells him to.
C. haves
B. went
A. want
B. wantes
D. wanting
8 Mr Smith
A. have
9 Unless they
A encourage
10. If we
A. repeat
B. has
her to work hard, she would not.
B. encourage
D. hases.
D. encouraging
C. encourages
waste paper, we will save a lot of trees.
C. review
В. recycle
D. remark
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