Ẩn Danh | Chat Online
21/04/2022 22:51:31

Choose answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. swaps
B. exchanges
C. wraps
D. A and B are correct
6. You should put used cans and glass bottles into
A. garden
C. organic green bins
7. We should use
B. recycling bins
D. All are correct
plastic boxes or bottles because they are good for
health and safe for the environment.
A. reusable
B. refillable
C. recyclable
D. All are correct
many bad effects on ecosystems and human life.
C. makes
8. Soil pollution
A. does
B. causes
D. All are correct
9. Many plants and animals die because of
A. noise pollution
C. deforestation
B. environment
D. A and B are correct
10. The air in this city is
by emissions from nearby factories.
B. reduced
O polluted
D. All are correct
A. exchanged
. Fill in the blank with "a, an, the".
There is ...... man at ....... gate. The man wants to see the landlord.
We live in ....ds.. old house....The... house belongs to my grandparents.
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