Windy | Chat Online
22/04/2022 12:01:06

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

Mình đang cần gấp, mn giúp mình làm hết câu II nha!
3. How many ways can we do to save our environment?
A. one.   B. two.   C.three.  D.four

4. Can we recycle plastic bags?
A. No, we can't.   B. Yes, we can.   C. No information.  D.Both B&C.

5. According to the writer, we can save our environment by recycling plastic bottles

A. papers.   B. electricity.   C. noise.   D. plastic bags.
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2022.04.22 11:55
(5) to watch a football match.
1 the most
2. A. last
3. A. scoring
4. by
5 interesting
II. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer
C. more
D. the more
B. most
B. lasts
B. scored
D. will last
D. score
B. in
B. clumsy
to score
C. to
C. exhausted
D. for
D. tired
A.Environment is an important part in our life. A clean environment is necessary for a
peaceful and healthy life. An environment helps human beings, animals and other living things to
grow and devclop naturally. But nowadays, people are destroying environment in many different
ways. There are many kinds of pollution such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution. It does
not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings.
We can save our environment by many ways: recycling, reusing, and reducing. We can recycle
plastic bottles and plastic bags. We can also reuse plastic bags or old bottles. We should reduce the
amount of waste, noise and electricity. It is very important to save environment. When we protect
the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well.
1. Which kind of pollution is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. river pollution
2. Why do we need a clean environment?
A. To have a rich life
B. soil pollution
C. air pollution
D. water pollution
B. To have a peaceful and healthy life
D. To do anything we want
C. To go anywhere we like
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