hà nguyễn | Chat Online
03/05/2022 08:09:26

That smart dog will be able to make/ guard our house when we go far from home

  1. That smart dog will be able to make/ guard our house when we go far from home. 

IV. Fill in the gaps with can, can’t, could, couldn’t, will be able to or won’t be able to. 

  1. I _______________ phone Ann last night, but _______________ call her this evening. 

  1. I’m sorry I _______________ come to the meeting yesterday. My son was ill so I _______________ go out. 

  1. I am really sorry, but I _______________ come to see you tomorrow because I _______________ finish all the exercises tonight. 

  1. I _______________ go to the wedding next Sunday because I _______________ come back home from my holiday on Tuesday. 

  1. Terry _______________ come for dinner tonight. He had to fly to Rome on business yesterday evening, but he _______________ phone you when he gets back.

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