Nguyễn Thùy Dương | Chat Online
13/04/2018 21:59:09

Why you (look) ... at me like that? What is the matter?

III. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (1 point).
1. Why you (look) me like that? What is the matter?
2. What are you doing this everning?
- I (do) ……………................... my homework, and then I (watch)...................................TV.
3. Many people in our street have cars but my parents (not have).............................. one. They (like) go to work by bus.
4. When my brother and I (be)......................small, we (go) ……......… swimming every weekend.
5. Nam (not do)........................................his homework yet..
IV. Put the correct form of the word in brackets (1 point)
1. New York is an ….....……… with many skyscrapers. ( excite)
2. There are many modern ……................................….. in ho Chi minh City. (build)
3. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is a the world . (fame)
4. Britain's most common leisure ………… ............are watching TV and films and listening to the radio. ( act)
5. Merlion is a ………. ............with the head od a lion and the body of fish. ( create)

VII. Choose the best answer for each gap in the passage (2 points).

Oak city is a great city. There’s so (1) ………………to do! There are cinemas, parks and discos. It’s got some great clothes and music shops (2) ………………Oak city is very modern and beautiful. There aren’t any (3) ………………buildings and there’s some beautiful (4) ………………around the city. Is there any pollution in the Oak city? There isn’t much pollution (5) ………………there isn’t much traffic. Everyone travels (6) ………………bike and walks, so there aren’t many accidents. No one works, so everyone has got a lot of free time. Are there any unfriendly people in Oak city? – No, so come and spend a little time here.

  1. A. much B. many C. some D. any
  2. A. neither B. either C. too D. so
  3. A. beautiful B. ugly C. pretty D. unpleasant
  4. A. scenery B. scene C. view D. sight
  5. A. so B. because C. although D. if
  6. A. so B. in C. with D. by

V.There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. (1 point)

1. I can see there is a vase behind of the light..

2. Ho Chi Minh is croweder than Da Nang City.

3. They won't going to the Time Square to welcom the New Year.

4. You should always to tell an aldult where you are going.

5. Remember to wash and ironing your own clothes every day.

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