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Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line


I. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

(Student’s book, Review 1. Page 87)

1. What are Manchester famous for?                                                                     __________

2. My house have a balcony and a garage.                                                                        __________

3. I do lots of housework! I cleaning the bedroom on the weekend.                 __________

4. Do your family have a car?                                                                                 __________

5. What housework does you do?                                                                          __________

6. My sister and I don't making the dinner.                                                           __________

7. There is two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.                          __________


II. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

1. I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to work.                                        __________

2. She teach students in a local secondary school.                                                           __________

3. They doesn’t own a house. They still have to rent one to live.                                   __________

4. Dang Van Lam am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team.      __________

5. What do your sister do?                                                                                      __________

6. John and Harry doesn’t go swimming in the lake.                                            __________

7. Jenny speak Vietnamese very well.                                                                    __________

8. How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket?                                __________

9. Our dogs aren’t eat bones.                                                                                  __________

10. Jenny’s parents is very friendly and helpful.                                                  __________


III. Read the sentences. Underline the correct words. (Workbook, Unit 1. Page 3)

1. Excuse me. Could/ Should I ask you some questions?
2. Yes/ No, sure.
3. Are/ Do you live in a house or an apartment?
4. I live/ lives in a house.
5. Does it have/ has a pool?
6. No, it doesn't/ don't.
7. It has/ have three bedrooms.
8. Does it has/ have a balcony?
9. Yes, it does/ do.
10. Does Tom's house has/ have a yard and a pool?


IV. Read the sentences. Underline the correct words. (Workbook, Unit 1. Page 5)

1. My mother make/ makes breakfast.
2. My sister do/ does the laundry.
3. My brother do/ does the dishes.
4. My father make/ makes the bed.
5. I clean/ cleans the kitchen.
6. Lily do/ does the shopping.
7. Jack and Paul make/ makes dinner together.
8. Lily's dad clean/ cleans the bathroom.
9. Their mom do/ does the most housework. 

10. My brother play/ plays football very well.


V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. (Student’s book, Unit 1. Page 7)

1. My brother (live) __ lives___ in the USA.
2. We (have)__________ a dog.
3. Does he (live) __________ in Hanoi?        

- No, he doesn’t. He (live)__________ in Huế.

4. My house (not have)__________ a yard.
5. Do you live in a house?                           

- No, I don't. I (live)__________ in an apartment.
6. Do they (have) __________ a car?             

- Yes, they do.


VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. My mom always (make)__________ delicious meals.

2. Jenifer (not eat)__________ eggs.

3. Susie (go)__________ shopping every week.

4. __________ Minh and Hoa (go)__________ to work by bus every day?

5. __________ your parents (agree)__________ with your decision?

6. Where__________ he (come)__________ from?

7. Where__________ your father (work)__________?

8. Jimmy__________ usually (not water)__________ the trees.

9. Who (do)__________ the washing in your house?

10. They (eat)__________ out once a month.


VII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. It (be)__________a fact that smart phone (help)__________ us a lot in our life.

2. I often (travel)__________ to some of my favorite destinations every summer.

3. Our Math lesson usually (finish)__________ at 4.00 p.m.

4. The reason why Susan (not eat)__________ meat is that she (be)__________ a vegetarian.

5. People in Ho Chi Minh City (be)__________ very friendly and they (smile)__________ a lot.

6. The flight (start)__________ at 6 a. m every Thursday.

7. Peter (not study)__________ very hard. He never gets high scores.

8. I like oranges and she (like)__________ apples.

9. My mom and my sister (cook)__________ lunch every day.

10. They (have)__________ breakfast together every morning.

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