Nguyễn Loan | Chat Online
10/06/2022 13:14:09

Dịch đoạn văn sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
desk, and she looked worried.
"Charlie? Your name is Charlie,
isn't it?" I couldn't say anything.
"I think you're sick. Your face is
white. James, please take Charlie
to the nurse' office."
So we went to the nurse's office,
and Nurse Judy gave me a cup of
hot chocolate. I felt really stupid.
There was no snake. I fell asleep
because I was tired and I didn't
eat breakfast.
Mrs. King was not terrible. She
was very nice. James tricked me.
Tomorrow, I will not be stupid.
I promise.
Good night, Diary.
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