Shinichi Kudo | Chat Online
17/06/2022 07:17:38

Complete the sentences wwith the past simple form of the verbs in brackets

Chỉ ghi đáp án thôi nha ko cần giải thích ví dụ như
Làm hết nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
My day yesterday.
1. My mother (call).... called me at 7.00.
2 1(wash)........
....…....and (dress).......
.... very quickly.
3. (walk)...........
....... to school.
4. After schooll (watch)
5 Then I (play)....….......
basketball with my friends.
....... the game.
6 At 8.30 we (finish).........
7. Before bedtime I (phone)
........ my friend.
2 Complete the paragraph with the past simple form of the verbs from the box.
listen play
My first day at school.
I remember my first day at school in 2001!1 (1) arrived.... at 8.30 and
lessons at 9.00. We (3)
from 9.00 to 12.00.
The teachers (4)........... to us a lot! Then we (5)
for an hour. In the afternoon we (6)
the lessons and
to the teacher carefully. Then at 3.30 the lessons
(8)...…....... It was a long and tiring day!
3 Change the sentences into past simple sentences.
1 Tom looks out of the window.
Tom Looked out of the window.
2 We arrive at 6.30.
3 Laura watches television all afternoon.
4 The bus stops at the end of the street.
5 I visit an old castle on Saturday.
6 Sue waits for her friends for more than an hour.
7 They decide to come to my party.
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