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16/07/2022 16:14:05

Read the passage and match the highlighted words with their meanings

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the passage and match
the highlighted words with
their meanings.
1. give
3. every month
5. teach
2. give and receive
4. pleased
Bright Future School has many
community activities for students.
The school believes that a good way
for students to develop themselves is
Ehrough community service. All students
can join any of these different projects:
Tutoring: Upper grade students tutor
lower grade students.
Postcard-to-Help: Students make and
sell postcards to raise money for local
- Visit-to-Read: Students visit a nursing
home monthly and read books to
the elderly.
- Garden-to-Give: Students grow
vegetables and donate them to
local schools.
Paper-Plant-Exchange: Students
collect paper and exchange it for
plants. They then look after the plants
in their school garden.
Students learn that they can help people
and the world around them when they
do community service. They feel useful
and proud because they do good things.
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