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23/07/2022 20:07:45

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help pát 2
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2 Linh
A. reads
In my country, books
A. is
B. are
C. be
4. Not many students are in grammar.
A. interested
B. favorite
C. good
5. In Computer Science, Mai learns
A. what
B. when
a book about wild animals now.
B. read
C. is reading
very cheap.
to use a computer.
C. how
6. She............. some experiments in Physics class.
A. makes
B. learns
C. does
D. enjoy
7. In, we study past events in Vietnam and around the world.
A. History
B. Literature
D. Physics
All the students enjoy
A. to camp
B. camping
9. Children will work hard if the lessons are........
A. nice.
B. pleasant
C. disappointing
10. I'm always nervous when I'm....
C. Geography
on the weekend.
C. camp
........an exam.
A. clothing
B. suit
12. We usually wear school uniforms......
A. on
D. to read
D. being
D. excited
A. taking
B. making
C. working
11. In many schools in Vietnam students have to wear a............
C. uniform
D. where
D. to camping
D. interesting
D. writing
D. coat
Mondays and Fridays.
D. of
B. at
C. in
students in your country wear traditional clothes to school?
A. Does
B. Do
C. Is
D. Are
14. My school library is not very big but it....... more than 50,000 books.
C. has
D. having
B. to have
A. have
15. Volleyball and football.
popular after-school activities in Vietnam.
C. will be
D. being
A. is
B. are
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms or tenses.
Nam's school (1)....(have) a library. The library (2)............(not
be) large but it's nice. There (3)...(be) lots of reference books, novels,
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