thanh trúc | Chat Online
01/08/2022 19:33:18

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. My father always........ the news on the radio in the morning.
Tistens to
B. watches
2. Children
spend so much time in front of the TV.
B. shouldn't
C. can
..during Tet?
D. sees
D. T
3. What do you love
A. do
B. doing
C. did
4. Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others?
D. this
.A. hit
B. fish
C. night
5. Can you tell me the way to the zoo?
A. No. I don't
B. Yes. I'd love to
C. Go straight, then turn left. It's on your right
6. We mustn't
D. don
D. No. I wo
flowers in the school garden.
C. to pick
A. picking
B. picks
7. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. computer
B. funny
C. sun
D. Junch
8. It is
to live far from the market and the supermarket.
B. inconvenient C. convenient
A. casy
D. comfortable
9. On New Year's Day, many people put on their best clothes and go to .......
....or visit their.....
A.houses - friends B. pagoda - relative C.,the main room friend D. pagoas-relatives
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