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04/08/2022 18:54:45

Fill in the blanks with a suitable Possessive Pronoun

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
ars old. I live in a
Let's clean the bathroom eat breakfast. It's so dirty.
chairs and a (4)
Il my clothes in
bathroom and a 1. It's your money. It's
2. It's my bag. It's
My mom does the shopping/ laundry. My clothes are always really soft.
We're out of juice. Can you buy some when you do the laundry shopping?
II. Fill in the blanks with a suitable Possessive Pronou
3. It's our car. It's
4. They're her shoes. They're
- I have lots of 5. It's their house. It's
alo th correct option.
ng lunch.
They're their book. They're
They're my glasses. They're
8. It's his coat. It's
9. Give the pens to me. They're
10. Give the key to Mary. They're
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