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09/08/2022 13:31:26

Read the passage and circle A, B, or C to complete the sentences

Read the passage and circle A, B, or C to complete the sentences
Hi. I am Minh. I live in Ha Noi but I am having a good time at Nha Trang Beach
now. The beach is more beautiful than the beaches in Sam Son. The weather here is
cooler and drier than the weather in Ha Noi.
In Nha Trang, The houses are smaller than the buildings in Ha Noi. The street are
wider with less traffic. I love the food here. The seafood is more delicious and cheaper
than the seafood in Ha Noi. The sun is shinning brightly. In Nha Trang, People are
friendlier than people in Ha Noi. I like Nha Trang very much.
1/ Minh lives in .........
A. Ha Noi
B. Nha Trang
C. Sam Son
2/ The weather in Nha trang is.................and drier than that in Ha Noi.
A. hotter
B. colder
C. cooler
3/ The people in Nha Trang are...................than people in Ha Noi.
A. friendly
B. friendlier
C. more unfriendly
4/ The houses in Ha Noi ar.................... the houses in Nha Trang.
A. bigger
B. newer
C. smaller
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