Monkey D Luffy | Chat Online
15/08/2022 19:14:28

Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the words listed below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the words listed below.
boring good dirty rich
1. That was
2. Pizza is
3. Harry is
4. The Pacific Ocean is
the taller
square kilometers.
5. The Atacama desert is
6. He is
large dry
movie I've ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.
food in the world!
student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.
ocean in the world. It covers about 170million
desert in the world. It receives just 1 mmof rain per
speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleepduring his
mountain in the world.
painting in the art gallery. It's worth a million dollars.
countries in the world.
7. Mount Everest is
8. That is
9. Switzerland is one of
10. Arthur hates to clean. He has
VII. Write the superlative form of the words given.
1. One World Trade Center is
2. My mother is
3. Terrence Tao is
4. Where are
5. Hawaii is
apartment I've ever seen.
(tall) building in the United States.
(good) cook in the world.
(intelligent) person in the world.
(nice) beaches in your country?
(interesting) place I've ever been to.
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