Ng Anh Thu | Chat Online
16/08/2022 14:30:57

Read, then answer True or False

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read, then answer True or False:
Does your class do things to help other children? Do you give toys or money to charity? Em Hang and Tes
in class 7A. We're going to help the children's hospital charity. We're going to do a sponsored walk. You
can help too. Join our sponsored walk to collect money for the hospital!
Ask your friends and family to sponsor you. That means they must promise to give you some money for
every km of the walk. You give your sponsor money to the children's hospital charity
Our teachers and some of our parents are going to do the walk too. We're going to walk three kms on
Saturday, then we're going to stay at a camp site by the lake, and then walk three kms on Sunday
Together we can collect lots of money. We're going to buy toys and books for children in hospital.
d. Hung is in grade seven.
E2. They're going to help ill children in the hospital.
sponsor in, vị bàn tay
muun (rị nghĩa là
3. They're going to collect money by walking to school.
4. Their friends and family will give them money if they walk to school every day.
5. They're getting money from their friends and family by joining sponsored walk
6. They are going to walk six kms on Saturday and Sunday.
7. Their teachers and parents don't take part in the walk.
& They're going to give money to children in hospital.
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