na thân thịn | Chat Online
27/08/2022 09:17:29

Write sentences of comparison that best describes the situation given

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1. Write sentences of comparison that best describes the situation given.
1. I didn't like him when I first met. But as I get to know him, I like him more.
The more
2. I only feel good in warm weather. As it is getting warmer, I feel better.
The warmer
3. Petrol last year was 8,000 VND a litre. At the beginning of this year it was
10,500 VND. Now it is over 14,000 VND.
Petrol prices are
4. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
5. A factory worker eams 2m VND a month. A school teacher earns 2,2m VND a month.
A school teacher's salary is not
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